Monday, December 1, 2008


I am an on-location, natural light photographer here in Broken Arrow/Tulsa and surrounding areas. I am available to photograph births/newborns, infants, children, seniors, maternity, couples, and families.

With young children myself, family is my passion. I want to memorize every sparkle in my childrens' eyes and bottle up those big belly laughs we share. Each moment is so precious... so fleeting. Minutes turn into hours, hours turn into days, days turn into weeks and months... one blink and a year has gone by. In order to capture every moment of life I began venturing into photography when my first child was born. Photos are more than just pictures... they are the records of our lives. I am not a traditional photographer in that I pose everyone together and snap some cheesy shots full of fake smiles. I photograph real life... those sweet, tender moments shared. I would be honored to capture your life moments... whether it is the birth of your child, a vivacious toddler running everywhere, a senior graduating, a couple in love, or a dynamic family.

The photos above are of my pride and joy - my two boys. We are blessed to be expecting our third child this coming May. My husband serves as the Student Minister at First Baptist Church Broken Arrow - love our students! We are both graduates of Texas A&M (whoop!) class of 2003! And most importantly, I have been redeemed by my Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ.

If you have any questions or would like to book a session, please contact me at (918)894-7278 or Thank you for taking the time to get to know my heart.

1 comment:

Harms Family said...

Cassie...I love it. You are doing a great job. I only wish you were in Colorado. The site looks wonderful and the pictures are amazing.
